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Empowering women in actuarial science for a stronger, more diverse future

We’re celebrating International Women’s Day by inviting women at different stages of their actuarial careers to share their insights on why recognizing this occasion is important and what the profession can do to be more inclusive and inviting for women.

Hélène Pouliot – CIA President

Helene Pouliet

Women have made great strides in increasing their representation in the actuarial profession, from early-stage careers to leadership roles. While there has been progress, many opportunities for improvement remain. Employers need to put in place greater support systems for women and ensure barriers to their career progress are reduced. Women approach challenges and opportunities in a unique way and their value cannot be underestimated.

Jacqueline Friedland – CIA Immediate Past President and Executive Director, Risk Assessment and Intervention Hub, at OSFI

Jacqueline Friedland

As actuaries, we have an important responsibility to promote gender equality and inclusivity within our profession. This International Women’s Day, I’m proud to celebrate the achievements of women in our field while acknowledging that work still needs to be done to create a more inclusive community. I challenge you all to commit to developing and upholding an environment that empowers women and helps contribute to a more equitable future for all actuaries.

Simone Brathwaite – Senior Principal at Oliver Wyman and President of the Caribbean Actuarial Association

Simone Brathwaite

International Women’s Day is not just an opportunity to celebrate the incredible achievements of women worldwide but also a call to action to further promote gender equality. It serves as a reminder to increase awareness of our profession among young women and to create a workplace where diversity is celebrated and women can succeed and lead. Together, we can break barriers and create a brighter future for all!

Marie-Andrée Boucher – Principal at Eckler and former Chair of the CIA’s Committee on Life Insurance Financial Reporting

Marie-Andrée Boucher

I’m very pleased to see more and more female actuaries taking on leadership roles within the industry. I’m convinced that the presence of women in these roles contributes significantly to the diversity of points of view and approaches.

Jill Harper – CIA Board member and Director-Senior Programming Leader and Actuary at Moody’s Analytics

Jill Harper

Women have a powerful perspective to share, and their voices make our profession strong and resilient. International Women’s Day reminds us to reflect on how we can design our business practices to harness the power of all voices, rather than expecting everyone to adapt their voices to existing practices.

Krystel Lessard – Pension Actuary at Aon Hewitt

As the only woman on some expert committees, I can’t help but notice that women can occupy even more space in the profession. Equity, diversity and inclusion – society is ready for this change. It’s up to us to do this with confidence in our skills. 

Tina Adjowa Magloe Francis – Member of the CIA’s New Member Advisory Group and Manager, Supervision, at OSFI

Tina Adjowa Magloe Francis

International Women’s Day is an important reminder to celebrate women’s achievements that have helped shape the actuarial profession. I believe we should recognize the challenges women are facing and take steps to ensure equal opportunities for women, such as mentorship and sponsorship programs. Let’s all work toward a future where women can achieve their full potential in actuarial science!

Learn how to increase gender diversity, equity and inclusion in the actuarial workplace.

Based on findings from a focus group of women actuaries from various backgrounds, the CIA released a guide offering strategies to employers to reduce barriers for women in the actuarial profession. Review it to gain valuable insights and actionable steps that will improve the working environment for women and encourage opportunities for their career growth.

Connect with NAWA’s community to elevate your actuarial career.

We connected with the Board of the Network of Actuarial Women and Allies’ (NAWA), a great resource for everyone in the actuarial profession. They had this message to share:

NAWA’s foundational principles are to increase representation of women in the actuarial profession from entry through leadership positions, create a sense of community amongst women across the industry, and provide opportunities for personal and professional development tailored toward women and allies. We believe that allies are essential to an inclusive culture in the profession. This is why allies are part of our name and included in NAWA – from members to volunteers to leadership. 

We actively facilitate mentorship opportunities and address barriers women face in advancing their careers. Through initiatives in the Corporate Action Council with our corporate sponsors, we champion inclusive change and adaptive leadership where women can thrive. 

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to appreciate the progress made towards achieving gender equality but also recognize the work remaining to be done.

How will you #EmbraceEquity going forward? Tell us in the comments below!