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HomeStarting your journeyActuarial education in CanadaCIA University Accreditation Program

CIA University Accreditation Program

Job title: Accreditation Actuary 

Each accredited university must have one Accreditation Actuary (AcA), appointed by the CIA. 

The AcA serves as the university’s point of contact through which communication with the CIA occurs and is responsible for coordinating the university’s participation in the University Accreditation Program. 

Specific duties and responsibilities

  • Serve as the main point of contact at their university and be responsible for the coordination of its course accreditation, including advising the CIA of any circumstances that may affect the university’s accreditation status or coverage of the CIA syllabus by students. 
  • Work with course instructors to map courses to the CIA syllabus. 
  • Contribute as appropriate, within the university’s mechanism for curriculum development, with respect to course content as it relates to accreditation. 
  • Coordinate site visit(s) and access to relevant materials and information by accreditation and review panels, and the annual external examiner process. 
  • Communicate the terms of the accreditation agreement to all course instructors. 
  • Coordinate with course instructors to ensure adequate levels of syllabus coverage are maintained. 
  • Provide course outlines for all CIA recognized courses within 10 days of the start of each term. 
  • Provide required documentation to the CIA as necessary. 
  • Remain current with CIA syllabus and university course content. 
  • Ensure that the university has a Fellow on staff who can fulfil the role of the AcA and prepare appropriate contingency plans in the event of sabbaticals or family leave. 
  • Regularly interact with students and advise the CIA on student feedback. 
  • Attend CIA university accreditation program events and training sessions as required. 
  • Provide the CIA with opportunities to meet students. 

Criteria for appointment of the AcA

  • The AcA must hold a Fellow-level designation such as FCIA, FSA, FCAS, FIA, FIAA, or equivalent. Candidates who are Fellows of actuarial associations other than the CIA must also be, at a minimum, an Associate of the CIA. 
  • The AcA must have at least five years of experience as a practising actuary or in actuarial education. 
  • Where a change in AcA occurs, in accordance with the University Accreditation Program Policy, where a university loses its Fellow or AcA due to attrition or other causes such as sabbaticals or family leave, the university must notify the CIA immediately. 

Honorariums and expenses

  • The AcA can claim reasonable expenses from the CIA for expenses incurred by attending Institute meetings required for the role. 
  • No honorarium will be paid by the CIA for this position.