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Professionalism Workshop

The CIA’s Professionalism Workshop is a requirement to become an Associate of the CIA (ACIA). It is delivered through both an e-learning module and a one-day virtual event that provide candidates with a solid grounding in professionalism concepts, making extensive use of the case study method. Topics covered include the following: 

  • What is a professional? 
  • The CIA and governance of the profession in Canada. 
  • Rules and standards. 
  • Professionalism in practice. 
  • Communication skills. 

Why attend?

  • to meet ACIA qualification requirements; 
  • to learn why professionalism is the cornerstone for a career as an actuary;
  • to learn about the CIA;
  • to enhance your communication skills; and 
  • to earn credit toward the ACIA and ACAS or ASA designations. 

Upcoming workshops and registration

January 30, 2024 

February 13, 2024 

Note that you can apply for ACIA membership before attending the workshop; please refer to the enrolment schedule for the relevant dates for membership application. 

Five-year expiry on professionalism education credit for membership 

Candidates must complete the membership eligibility requirements and be confirmed as ACIA within five years of completing the CIA professionalism requirement. This also applies to former members who have let their membership lapse and who wish to be reinstated, either as an ACIA or FCIA. Current members of the CIA who keep their membership in good standing will not lose their professionalism education credit. 

For more information on the professionalism workshop and how it pertains to your chosen qualification pathway, please contact

Pre-reading material 

In preparation for the upcoming Professionalism Workshop, pre-reading certain materials is required. You will not be tested on the materials, but knowledge of them will better prepare you for the e-learning component, the virtual workshop and the discussions that will take place: 

  1. Rules of Professional Conduct
  2. Standards of Practice – General Standards
  3. Qualification Standard – Requirements for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 
  4. The CIA’s Disciplinary Process 
  5. Policy on Administration of Member Rights and Privileges 

E-learning module 

Participants will also be required to complete, in advance of the workshop, a self-directed online module that is based on the pre-reading material and information about the CIA. Information on how to access the module will be sent one week prior to the workshop. Please note that the online module, the virtual session and the final attestation after the virtual session is complete are mandatory to obtain credit for the CIA’s Professionalism Workshop. A certificate of completion will be automatically generated once attestation is complete. 

Practical considerations 

Please note that due to the introduction of the CIA’s new qualification pathways, some requirements are changing, which may affect your need to take the CIA Professionalism Workshop. 

  • Effective January 1, 2023, the ACIA designation is no longer required for Fellows of other recognized actuarial organizations who are seeking Fellowship in the CIA via Pathway 3B – Fast Track Route. Consequently, these candidates are no longer required to take the Professionalism Workshop. 
  • Please note that there is no change in the requirements for candidates pursuing the ACIA designation for other qualification purposes or for candidates using the CIA Professionalism Workshop for credit with the Society of Actuaries (toward ASA) or the Casualty Actuarial Society (toward ACAS).