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HomeThe CIACouncils


Much of the CIA’s work is carried out by six volunteer councils, each of which oversees a number of committees, subcommittees and task forces staffed by member volunteers. These groups deal with the various aspects of actuarial practice, collect and disseminate information of interest to actuaries and liaise between the Institute and external organizations. 

Actuarial Guidance

The Actuarial Guidance Council helps the CIA develop, adopt, interpret and monitor guidance material and provide input into standards of practice to enable the Institute and its members to uphold the highest possible quality of actuarial practice in all areas.

Explore Guidance Materials

Education and Qualification

The Education and Qualification Council helps the CIA develop and oversee enrollment, credential and education requirements and programs to enable the Institute and its members to ensure the ongoing quality and relevance of actuarial education and designation in Canada.

Understand actuarial education in Canada

International Affairs

The International Affairs Council helps the CIA connect, collaborate and coordinate with peer organizations in other countries to enable the Institute and its members to contribute meaningfully and maximize its impact on the world stage.

Influencing the profession globally

Practice Development

The Practice Development Council helps the CIA develop traditional and emerging areas of practice, promote hiring of actuaries in non-traditional roles, prioritize standards of practice and help enable the Institute and its members to advance and expand actuarial practice in Canada.

Review the Standards of Practice

Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Council helps the CIA identify issues and initiatives that provide opportunities for the Institute and its members to engage with decision-makers, inform policy and serve the public interest.

Learn about our advice to stakeholders


The Research Council helps the CIA coordinate, develop, distribute and promote relevant research and joint research projects to position the Institute, its members and partners as forward-thinking, collaborative thought leaders.

Catch up on the latest research